Delivery Helpdesk
(Calls will cost 7p per minute plus your telephone company's access charge)
To track parcels that are not received within 48 hours of ordering. We advise that you check all orders received on the day of delivery and call immediately if anything is damaged, missing or incorrect. If your delivery address is difficult to find then please call us to give directions. Please ensure that you have your order number or 12 digit Business Owner ID number ready.
In the UK as an FPC (Forever Preferred Customer) it is free to join but a first order must be placed with an FPC sign up. The minimum order is £75. This allows the FPC to 5% off retail price. If a FPC reach the 2cc level, then he / she take 30% discount. After that he/she can choose between 2 ways.
Way1: He / She could be an FBO with 35% discount and he/she has the permission to build an international business.
Way2: He / She can stay as a FPC with 30% discount.
Angliában FPC-ként (Forever Kiemelt Vásárlóként) a belépés ingyenes, de a belépés együtt jár egy minimál vásárlással. A minimál vásárlás 75Font. Ezzel a regisztrációval 5% kedvezményre lesz jogosult. Amennyiben az FPC eléri a 2cc szintet, 30% kedvezményre jogosult, és választhat, hogy továbblép-e FBO szintre, ahol tud üzletet építeni és 35% kedvezményre lehet ezzel jogosult, vagy marad FPC szinten, 30% vásárlási kedvezménnyel.
An FBO can sign up as Assistant Supervisor with a ‘’Start Your Journey Pack’' box worth £199.75. This allows the FBO to 35% off retail price.
Az FBO csak Assistant supervisor szinten tud indulni, csak a Start Your Journey csomag megvásárlásával, ami 199,75 Font. Ezzel a regisztrációval 35% kedvezményre lesz jogosult.
You can join online as an FPC or FBO only. Vásárlóként és üzletépítőként is csak online lehet regisztrálni.